Thursday, April 22, 2010

these are kind of the befores

these are when we were just starting and we didn't know what was going to happen.
My mom in the Singapore airport buying a camera and me in the lounge eating kale.

Today was the 3rd treatment. much more of the same but different. When we got there Whitney Houston's version of the Dolly Parton classic
"I will always love you" was playing and so that has been in my head all day. I am still sore from yesterday but since Faidja and Joom speak only 7 words of English ( face up! face down!, sorry, enema and hot!) I was on my own. I kind of like it because it keeps me from complaining. I will have some more photos soon...
the ants here are super tiny and extra fast. my feet are black. I learned how to smoke myself with the syringe and it tastes worse than smoking it the regular way. I will report that I used to have a little bump under my chin... and now I can't find it, also the hard spots in both my breasts from surgery 2 years ago are already totally soft. you would have had to feel them last week in order to feel the difference but you'll just have to take my word for it.
thanks for all the lovely support. I love it and need it! at all times except when I am on the table...then it is all me.


  1. i WISH i coulda felt those breasts last week. hubba hubba.
    always feeling you, roz!
    go go go!

  2. totally hubba hubba! wish i woulda felt you up too! i love this blog sooo much... but i love you more. thinking about you everyday. in the spirit of the lead cheerleader (april)... go go go rozzy!

  3. i hope the words "enema" and "hot!" are said at different times!

    that's so amazing that you can already feel changes! its so freaking exciting!


  4. Amazing! So glad that bump under your chin is gone. I didn't want to say anything...

    Love you,


  5. thinking 'bout you all the time.
    Sending massive waves of love right to your brain.

  6. Holy Cowbells! What an adventure!
    Laser beams of love from Santa Monica.
    Why are your feet black?
    Love A
