Thursday, May 20, 2010

day 1 Malang

I can't find the cable for my no photos....for now.

We are in beautiful Malang just in time for a festival. Malang Kimbali...I think it is a festival celebrating the city of Malang and the past. There is almost nothing on the internet about it...We have seen the preliminary works which look like a lot of food stalls and many craft stalls with masks, batiks, and the ever popular puppets...the streets are crowded. We will partake tomorrow after our 9 am balur. We had our 1st balur here today, we were in the same room which is ok but it is harder to concertrate with someone else there especially someone you don't want to hear yelling ow ow hurts me when my mom is distressed even though I am doing the exact same thing and it is always ok...

the clinic is very quiet and light which is the exact opposite of Jakarta. Our balur took more than 3 hours... I liked it and feel like it is very different and more careful. the Dr. here... Dr Saraswati is very nice and she teaches something at the university ....maybe psychology? She personally took us to look for hotels when we found out everything was sold out.

We talked about my medical history and she felt my breast... I asked if she felt any cancer and she said yes but it is very small and also mobile which is great. I am sure it has gotten much smaller with the treatments...she said it is not a problem at all... I feel good about it .

We are staying at a beautiful old hotel Called Gahara Chaka. the bellboys wear shorts and pith helmets. Internet only in the lobby ! Thank GOD Marine gave me 3 seasons of Weeds...but we are kicked out Saturday so we found a crazy guest house which is like a hotel/ I don't know what, I will have to take a lot of photos because I cannot really describe it... It does have a very Javanese feel with bamboo paneled walls and batik curtains and mosquito nets on the beds...

It is definately more relaxed here and very mellow which I didn't know how much I would enjoy.

Jakarta has almost nothing I want to see or do except balur and here I think I will walk around and get into things more.

Eating is still a chore we must do at least 2x a day... not the joy I want it to be... but whatever.

I miss my life and my friends and almost had a "fuck it I want to go home" thought today but it passed.

What I am starting to understand is that I will do balur at home and keep the free radicals and murcury out of me myself and monitor my own health. Nobody can do it for me and the result is I will finally take responsibility for my self which is a long time coming... but I am glad for everything.

Maybe I am a late bloomer.



  1. Rozy! So glad to know that you arrived safe and sound, and are sleeping SOMEwhere. I've been obsessively checking your blog. Drink in that new relaxed pace, and keep rejecting the "fuck its." I love what New Dr is saying, and it's good to know there are different styles, so that you CAN take care of yourself when you get home.
    So proud of you.
    Here's to late bloomers, and love to Henrietta,

  2. Blooming is blooming - maybe we should remember that early bloomers fade first. I hope there is a gamalon (spelling)- puppets are not my fave - (just above clowns)-but it would be awesome to see a puppet show with full gamalon. Enjoy the festival - and the relaxed vibe. I am with Elizabeth reject the "fuck it" mode. We can't wait for you to be back but what you are doing is amazing -we will be here when you get back ( just add a 2 hour plane ride to see me)
    keep it going xxx ooo merry

  3. blooming is blooming- well said. THanks for that friend 'o roz's/ the Fuck ITs pass. i love the tone i your writing and all the joy you have found.
    i love and miss you. Ciao RosaXOV.
